
Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

8th QS-APPLE (Supporting Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions)

Participate in 8th QS-APPLE’s exciting programme
for international higher education professionals
14-16 November 2012 • Wednesday – Friday
The Westin Resort Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia
The 8th QS-APPLE (Asia Pacific Professional Leaders in Education) conference and exhibition will take place next November on the Indonesian resort island of Bali. It will be co-hosted by Bogor Agricultural University, our organising partner.
Participate as a delegate, speaker, exhibitor, advertiser or sponsor. Extra savings if you register as a delegate before 31 July 2012 as you can enjoy Early Bird rate of USD660. For speaker, flat rate of USD600 once your proposal is accepted.
The 7th QS-APPLE in Manila in November 2011 was yet another resounding success! Please click here for our post-event report.

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